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Who we are

Welcome to our website. We are a new group in the Private Rental Sector.

We are a group for professional housing providers who deliver sustainable good quality homes for Tenants in the Private Rental Market which are designed to meet the needs of those Tenants.

This website is for Portfolio Landlords with 75 properties or more who are full time, professional, ethical Landlords providing a valuable service to their Tenants

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Our objectives

The prime goal of the group is to promote the development of large privately owned residential portfolios of properties.

These will be structured to provide affordable, ethical, sustainable good quality homes at all levels in the market that meet the needs of Tenants in the private rented sector.

Due to their size, they will have the resources and capital to fulfil Tenant expectations and by doing so win the support of both Government and other stakeholders in the private rented sector.

The creation of such portfolios has been a Government objective in the past but in practice has not happened. So there are very few such portfolios in the over 5 million properties in the PRS.

Instead, the vast majority of those properties are owned by over 2 million Landlords each of whom owns under 5 properties.

The aim of the Group is to explore what is required to achieve that goal and how to win Government backing to promote the creation of such portfolios

The purpose of our website is to provide content related to three main areas related to that goal…

Best Practice

Best practice in all areas of operating a large portfolio. We particularly want to look at new tech developments in this field and how best to apply existing tech to operate and manage a portfolio


News and information about what we believe will be a seismic shift in how this market operates and the players in this market

Positive Perception

How to shift the current negative perception of Landlords and create a model that all stakeholders in the private rented sector can support

Latest articles from our blog

We welcome contributions from those with relevant experience in the areas we cover

The last few months have seen three exciting new entrants into the private rental sector

  1. Goldman Sachs who have purchased a portfolio of over 900 properties with a view to building a portfolio of 3,000 properties
  2. Lloyds Bank who have created a company to buy/ develop a private rental portfolio
  3. John Lewis who are going to build buy to rent properties in and around a number of their department stores

We hope to track these exciting new entrants into the market. But what we need to understand is how important these events are.

Because up to now none of these parties would have ever considered getting involved in this market on any terms (except in regard to mortgages for Goldman Sachs and Lloyds)

So why is this change taking place?

Because at long last the Institutions have woken up to the potential of the private rented sector. A variety of factors may be the cause of this. Certainly the changes of the last 2 years in the economy must have had an effect.

You may no longer be able to rely on commercial property or office developments or hotels and restaurants or a variety of other investments that in the past attracted Institutions  But throughout the pandemic residential property has shown its worth even with the problems that the inability to evict Tenants could have caused.

And this move falls in line with the Government’s desire to encourage larger private landlords into the market. They do not really consider that part time or accidental Landlords to be the right solution no matter how good they might be as individual landlords.

But they believe larger Landlords will have the capital and resources to provide the type of Private Landlord they do want to see.

This could be the start of a seismic change in this market and tracking this is one of the prime purposes of this website.

So we welcome any information from readers of this website either about these transactions or about similar transactions in the market

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